Thursday, December 28, 2017


The quality of your book is based on your research, experience and knowledge of the content. 
Your end product should be professional and expertly researched.

There are different ways to get the right information for your book, however keep your mind focus to the task and avoid waste of time researching.

·        Get access to good sources like:
o   ONLY Credible and Reliable Online Source
§  Government Website
§  Research conduct by authoritys institution or figures with stellar reputation
o   Books (digital and/or hardcopy)
o   Interviews (experts or participants)
o   Experiential Approach

Online Research

·        Do not believe everything you find in the internet
·        The internet is packed with all type of information (good/bad). Some are outdated or follow some peoples opinions/agendas.
·        Narrow your search to very specific key words like: woman+dating+men
·        When searching statistics and date go to:
·        Visit another Search engine not just Google
Book Research
·        Do not copy/paste
·        Read and write in your own words
·        How to search info from a book:
o   Focus in your objective and be specific all the time in your research.
o   Search the Table of content and select specifically what to read.
o   Now go to the books index not need to read the whole book. Search for your subject.
o   Scan the information:
§  First paragraphs are general ideas
§  Read the first sentence of each paragraph to know the content. Read the paragraphs that are related to your subject only.

Interview Research

·        Be sure you are selecting an appropriate expert for your topic.
·        To find experts you can visit Sign as a journalist and request your expert.
·        They are busy people so, be ready to accomplish this interview in a minimum of time.
·        Decide if it would be a phone call, Skype, in person or an email.
·        The more knowledgeable you are with the subject the higher changes you have an awesome interview. Get your question(s) ready, concise and clear. Direct to the point.
·        Do not get distracted writing or looking something when the interviewer is talking. If possible have a recorder to make it easier for you.

Experiential Approach

This is when we were previously part of the experience or we recreate the issue to go through the experience and then write about it. Simple example: instead of talk about a recipe with do the recipe.

Step by Step Book Research Section

1.      Your final outline must be done.
2.      Research topic & subtopic must be highlighted.
3.      Create a list of all the topics that needs to be researched in a separate paper.

#4 Online Marketing
Create your own promotions
Require info about free online tools to create ads online

Source can be: Skype, online, email, interview, experiential, etc.

Table of Content

Take time to create a good outline however this will make the rest of the job easier trust me!
There are many ways to do this task, however use a method that works for you.
Non-fiction books tend to have between 6-10 chapter. (not really a rule)

Logical Table of Content
1.      Make a list of all the subjects you would like to add to your book.
o   Question yourself: What I would like to find in a book topic like this one?
o   Just write a list without much thinking then group related topics to create a subject material.
2.      You can identify each subject as a chapter now use a temporary word as a reference or title to guide the intention of each chapter.
3.      Once you have the list then arrange the chapters in a logic order. Your choice.
o   You can use chronological order.
o   You can use incremental process order.
o   You can use event order.
4.      Now that all chapters are arranged, revisit each chapter using the same strategy to generate a list of subtopics. These subtopics should mirror the chapters intention in deeper details.
5.      While writing the subtopics also identify the areas that will require research.
6.      Review the whole outline looking for any gaps or possible unanswered question that the reader may have.
7.      Your table of content is ready then you can come back to amazon and look for at least 5 books with similar topic. Do you see anything that are probably missing?
8.      Read the amazon reviews about those 5 books to get free feedback from the audience. This is an easy way to learn about readers expectation, issues or suggestions.
9.      Once your outline if complete then create a synopsis for each chapter to have a writing guide that will aid in your research.

Mind Mapping Strategy
·        The concept is to drop all ideas you can perceive about the topic you decided to write about.
·        You can use a white board, post it notes or even a software available in the market.
·        Use a variety of color markets or sticky notepads to help you group or easily identify the information. Write keywords to identify the material and rearrange them later by topics and/or subtopics.
·        How it works
1.      Start by adding your books topic in the center of your media.
2.      Now brainstorm a potential chapter or subject by adding a reference word and link it to the main topic. Keep doing the same until you feel you are covering the core of your topic. Between 6-10 chapter is enough.
3.      Using same strategy start doing the same per each chapter to generate all the subtopics per chapter.
4.      Arrange all this information in logical order
5.      Follow all same steps from previous method from step 4 to 9

Free Software for Mind Mapping Be sure to learn to use the software before start anything.

Combination Method
·        You can start using Mind Mapping as a brainstorm strategy to generate you Logical Table of content

Always produce a better book than whatever it is in

the market place.






Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Selecting a Topic

Believe it or not 
According with the Topic you choose - it will determine how many books you will sell. 

Selecting a topic is the first most important part of writing a book.


Keyword searching

1.      Amazon Search (Amazon KDP setup page or books description)
·   Type your keyword & check the Auto Suggested List displayed
·   It shows what people is looking for however not how many people
2.      Best Seller kindle store eBooks on Amazon
·   Every category has their own list

·        Create your keyword list for the topic you desire to write
·        Go to Amazon Search and copy the Auto Suggested List
·        Go to the Amazon best seller and take a note what is in top 100



1.      Supplemental Keyword search
·        Google
if google keyword search and amazon keyword search are similar then your topic has a higher probability, otherwise you may consider to change the topic
·        Free internet tools
o (5 search every 24hours)
o (offers other keywords)
·        Paid Service $97
o  ***** (Affiliated)


Option 1: Use kdprocket

Option 2: Use manual statistics

1.      Take your top 10 researched keywords from Amazon & 10 Amazon seller rank and retail price
2.      Go to or to use their Book sales calculator
·   Target 1 book from the search
·   Go to Product Details and to the section called Amazon Best Sellers Rank
·   Copy/paste the number after # to the calculator, however remove the comma
·   This will tell you approximately how many books are sell each day
·   Multiply by 30 to know how many books are sell per month


I have read so many books and most of them said that if you want to be a writer then you have to write something everyday. That make sense because that will open the opportunity to challenge our intellect and also develop skills to write.

I am looking to develop this blog as my personal resource toolbox to develop my writing journey.

Thank you for visiting.
